Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Home sweet home...

I am back home now and I think I am adjusting to the transition pretty good, I guess. It was truly an amazing experience to go to Africa and see REALITY. It is like a breath of fresh air to leave the United States and enter into a way of life that you actually have time to think and process your thoughts! I feel the anxiety of all the business that awaits me. It stinks! I don't want to lose what I gained in Africa... time with God, a sense of who I am and what I like, constant community and relationships being made and nurtured. I have so much new knowledge floating around in my head and I feel like I have many choices and decisions to make that will determine the quality of life that I live. American culture does not allow for much self reflection. Its all about making life easy and convenient. Everything and everyone is in such a hurry. I did not miss that while I was away and I feel the resistance of conforming back into that way of life. I do not want to live life in such a such a way that I am always in a hurry and my schedule is packed with meaningless tasks. I used to think my life was full of important things, but I always wondered why I felt so busy and yet so unfulfilled. There is nothing that gives you more peace than when you are being used by God for His purposes. Somehow, if this is so important to me, I will find a way to keep it my top priority.