Vicka (Vee-ka) was an orphan who was adopted by Father's House (NGO and family we met) 4 years ago, in the Ukraine. We were passing by each other this evening in the kitchen, and she asked me why the Lord brought me to Uganda?
I had just been sitting in my room reading "The Mom Factor" and was a little sad and discouraged by all that I had been reading. My reason for going downstairs was to find Melody and talk about why I was feeling upset and on the verge of tears. I don't think it was a coincidence that I was approached by Vicka instead. I told her that I was not really sure why God had brought me to Uganda, other than A LOT OF PERSONAL GROWTH! She began telling me a story about a friend of hers who had come to Uganda and had a similar experience. It was her first mission trip also. I think Vicka could sense that something was going on with me as she began speaking to me about Gods Love. Vicka told me that God has to mend our inner wounds before HIS LOVE can flow through us unto others. That our wounds hinder us from being able to allow the Holy Spirit to flow through us. I just knew that God was ministering to my heart at that moment, that HE was speaking to me. I have been doing a lot of soul searching on this trip, and realizing many sources of pain in my life and from my childhood. I asked Vicka if we could sit and talk about how God began to heal her and her past. She told me that one of the major ways God began to heal her was by bringing her to Father's House and placing her in a family where she began to receive the love of God. She continued to tell me how we are not defined by our earthly parents or their lack of providing (for all of our needs), but by our Heavenly Father who has adopted us as His daughters. She shared with me her story and told me how God is able to do His work through her, here in Uganda. That she is not the one who does anything, that is only God who works through her because she surrenders her will to Him daily. She also told me that she is not done healing, that she still continues to allow God to do His work of healing in her today. I realized, as she was talking to me, the very reason why I came here to Uganda. I needed to be here, away from my busy life and busy mind trying to fill myself with things, to spend some time with God. As I wrote about in a blog earlier, God wants to show me His love and He wants me to know that He is my parent! He defines me and He LOVES ME! It seems that I have been working on this healing thing for quite a while now and just when I begin to think I am making progress I find myself deeper into my wounds than I even knew existed. God gets to the heart of things and doesn't settle for imitations. He is faithful to finish the work he starts in us. I asked Vicka if she would pray for me and she gladly did. I am so glad that I "ran into her" in my kitchen tonight. I've heard these meetings called GOD APPOINTMENTS and there is no doubt in my mind that, that's exactly what it was!
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